Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Andy in Italy - Day 1 - Rome!

God what a long flight. Europe's far.

I watched Dwayne Johnson's "The Tooth Fairy" on the plane. It was spectacularly hokey, but in the best of ways.

Is it...
A: Sad
B: Hilarious
..to watch a woman struggle to finish knitting something because she brought metal knitting needles with her

Funny accents! Although I’m sure I sound like an ass with my American accent.
French Guy on Phone: Eu, thzank yjeu fauerl coarling me.”

Nothing really happened with these people, but I sat near a gaggle of heavily-accented Southern ladies who were all accompanying what must've been one of those Southern Belle/princess types. Because it really seemed like one young rich girl with a bunch of old lady courtiers. I just like imagining a bunch of ladies stumbling around Rome.
Although I'll probably be doing a lot of stumbling today.


This old machinist who made the molds for car parts who worked in America for 28 years but in South America for 2 but is now retired and travels around and who was just on a cruise all around the Caribbean and says that they have very good beaches and has a very thick Spanish accent and thinks that there are great beaches in the Caribbean and thinks its silly how some of those Caribbean countries wanted independence so badly only to end up poor and told me not to eat too much pizza and that they have great beaches where he went on a cruise talked to me for a while on the plane.

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