Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I feel like a Junky stalking off in the middle of the night.
No, I don't want New Amici's. No thank you.
There are no burger places right around here. I could go to St.Mark's?
Is Papaya Dog worth it? Really? Am I really going to Papaya Dog at midnight? They didn't even cook it as rare as I wanted it to be last time. They practically burnt it. Where else can I get a $2.75 burger?
I walk there as if I've got voices in my head. I'm skittish, nervous. If there was a way a junky was supposed to feel in my head that'd be it. Maybe I'm just projecting that onto myself because Junky was the first word that came to my head when I stepped out the door. Probably. I'm usually far less crazy than I like to think I am.
It's cold. Good thing I've got my jacket.
Papaya Dog. No, I don't want the young guy to make my burger. It's not the young guy from last time, is it? He cooks an awful burger. No, the old guy. He'll probably make it better.
No, I don't want it medium rare. I asked for it rare. That's what I say in my head but I'm far more polite in actuality. I understand if you have some sort of health code that won't let you make that burger for me. I'm not going to sue you.
It's been hours since I've eaten, right? There's nothing wrong with wanting a burger at this time of day.
Shouldn't I be sleeping? I could've. 30 minutes ago if I did I probably wouldn't have thought of a burger.
You're cooking it too long. I can tell. I can see the steam rising out from under that little bowl. That's everything tasty escaping. It's going to be a shriveled piece of black meat by the time you hand it to me.
You're clearly distracted by the other patrons of this fine establishment.
It's more cooked than I'd have liked. But it's rarer than I expected. So I'm alright.
I'm uncomfortable. Everything past me stepping out of the door to me sitting here writing leaves me uneasy. Did I just need to get out? Did I just stress eat? Do I have a fixation on burgers? Why am I writing about this? I'm going to post this on some sort of social networking site. Does being candid about vanity excuse it? Is any of this really about the burger?
I have witnessed the depths of actor/director/writer hell.
By this point I have several theories of what is wrong with this person.
It's like Waiting For Guffman, but sadder and real.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Gelato Festival
Monday, May 24, 2010
Awesome Gelato
Our class building. HAH
View from my window.
Look at this awesome closet. It sits above my desk, and at first I thought, "How the hell am I going to get up there? Do I have to stand on the desk? But then I pulled on the handle and it comes down.
My roommate Augustus (Gus)took us to this amazing Gelato place across the Arno river, where there are less tourists and cheaper food.
On approaching, I knew it was going to be awesome, because all the locals were there.
And it was.
I'll have to go back and take some pictures.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
They have weddings in Pompeii, apparently. +2 Creeper points.
CASTLE in Naples
Some street art in Naples, I believe.
My room in Naples. Warm and fun-looking, ain't it?
More pictures, and Florence
This guy was playing accordion on the bridge.
The anchovies and bread and potatoes I had at the free wine tasting in Rome.
The Coliseum.
Look at that enormous organ.
So, I took a nice train from Naples to Florence; It was rather expensive at 71 euros (about 100 dollars), but it was a pretty nice train. It had power plugs for every seat, so I could use my computer on the 3 hour train ride. I had to leave my seat at one point because I didn't realize that the tickets had seat numbers on them. I sat next to a lady and her daughter who were from Austin, Texas and both had Amazon Kindles.
Once I got here I tried to figure out how to use the bus system to get closer to the villa I'm staying at, but I gave up after one attempt, and decided to walk it instead. Not a fun time. The bag I'm carrying is very heavy, and it started grinding my shoulder hardcore, but I eventually found I could put my arms through the handles like a bookbag.
I'd heard about the hill leading up to the campus was rough, but I guess it wasn't a whole lot of change from the fact that I was carrying a load of stuff. It was hard either way. But, finally, I got in. No more traveling for...5 weeks or so.
But check out these snazzy closets! It's above my head, but I pull on this handle and it all comes down.
I need to go to the local store and get some shampoo. I kept expecting the hotels to have shampoo, so I haven't washed my hair since I got here, which would be for about 7 days. But there's something weird about the water here that kind of rinsed my hair, made it not feel greasy, but at the same time didn't clean it. I think something about the hardness of the water here.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Pictures I've wanted to Post
Destroyed by Vesuvius 2000 years ago, it is another big city with a lot of crumbly ruins. Although, there are definitely a lot of renovated and pretty frescoes and architecture around.
So, I wandered around for a long time, took pictures, lots of pictures, but after a while they all started looking the same. I went into some fenced off areas that I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to go into, but hey, there wasn't anybody watching. I thought that maybe they didn't want me to mess up the grass, but if nobody was going in there, who was the grass for?
Picture of me frolicking in said-grass. Yes, I used the timed shoot function. Because I'm alone.
After I came back, I went to dinner at a place next to the one I went to last night. I don't know if they have something against tourists or possibly Asians (a clerk in the subway said Konichiwa to me today), but I got nearly no service. The guy working the door seated me, and from then on, none of the male waiters approached me, except one guy who gave me a menu after a few minutes. Everything else was done by the female hostess who was across from a table from me, so would've seen me the entire time. I thought maybe I was supposed to be more active as a patron, like, flagging down the waiter or something. But other people at least got menus. She came over and I ordered, and she was pretty nice, and I got my food, and I ate it. It was great. I also ordered some wine. I thought I was simply going to get a cup of wine. It turned out I got .375 L of wine, which is a small bottle of wine. It was nice wine. Went down very smoothly. Also, Italian wine is stronger than wine from America that I had before. It is 11% alcohol, while most wines I have seen in America are around 5%. That being said, I'm a little more wined up than I thought I was going to be. That explains this massive paragraph, because people who drink wine don't take time for the Enter button.
Vinum rosso della casa

Penne alla boscaiola

Prosciutto & Mozzarella. Look at that giant ball of mozzarella. MMMMMM

Note: I need to remember to take the picture before I start eating.
Well, time to diddle the hours away until I have to sleep/Go to Firenze/Florence!!!!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Napoli/Fun town
Naples is definitely not the beautiful tourist spot that Rome is. It's much more "yeah, I'm kind of just a really big urban city that happens to have some nice architecture and churches from a long time ago." It's much more urban.
That being said, it seems to be also a bit more rough and tumble. First thing I saw out of the station was two cops fixing a fight between what looked like a hobo and another guy with a suitcase. Later I saw the tail end of three guys kicking an old woman's umbrella around. They were just yelling at each other after that. Some guy with his girlfriend also slapped the back of my head while I was looking at a street map.
I just kind of walked around and got lost, had some pizza. There are definitely a lot more quiet alleyways around here. Just window shopped at all these small places. Had a pastry.
What sucks is that internet usage at this hotel isn't free, like my Rome hotel. To use it, you have to buy drinks at the bar. So, I'm sitting here drinking a martini just so I can use the internet for an hour. I guess it's not that awful, but I'm going to see if I can figure out how to get the wireless up in my room.
EDIT: SUCCESS. I have downloaded software to hack the wifi access key and can now use it in my room. Impressionante!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Vatican
So I took the metro to the Vatican City, today. The Rome Metro is pretty simple; It's a giant X, and Rome Termini is the central hub, just down the street from my hotel.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Ancient Rome has several badly-costumed Gladiators
Day Due (WoAH!)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 1, still
Andy in Italy - Day 1 - Rome!
Is it...
A: Sad
B: Hilarious
..to watch a woman struggle to finish knitting something because she brought metal knitting needles with her
Funny accents! Although I’m sure I sound like an ass with my American accent.
French Guy on Phone: Eu, thzank yjeu fauerl coarling me.”
Although I'll probably be doing a lot of stumbling today.
This old machinist who made the molds for car parts who worked in America for 28 years but in South America for 2 but is now retired and travels around and who was just on a cruise all around the Caribbean and says that they have very good beaches and has a very thick Spanish accent and thinks that there are great beaches in the Caribbean and thinks its silly how some of those Caribbean countries wanted independence so badly only to end up poor and told me not to eat too much pizza and that they have great beaches where he went on a cruise talked to me for a while on the plane.